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mardi, janvier 31, 2006

tralala... lalala...

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words?

Music is kinda like that.

Except music brings to mind many pictures. Music brings to mind pictures of places. Happy music brings to mind happy places… sometimes these places are memories and sometimes these places are a figment of our imagination… a utopia that music conjures or even the stereotypes of a place we’ve never been, but have heard of.

Music is like fanciful dreaming but with accompaniment and lots of emotion. Different instruments stir up different feelings and brings to mind different emotions. Each instrument is unique to a certain culture… and if the tune brings that emotive culture through that instrument… sometimes it doesn’t matter if you’ve never seen this place the culture originates from.

Maybe that’s why I like music so much. It’s like oxygen… if there wasn’t music in the world… I’d probably suffocate.

Like right now… listening to classical guitar… soft strumming that resonates years of emotive history and years of learning… sometimes playful, sometimes sad… but with a kind of candour and forwardness shown through the composer and the artiste that words can hardly begin to describe.

And in mind is I see the narrow streets of Venice, the quiet churches in the lost little corner piazzas. The stillness of purpose and peace as people slowly enter the church, in reverent calm. So much history behind those walls and in their culture. Its like stepping into another dimension, where time just stops… the echo of someone practising the organ … the shuffle of skirts as old ladies walk past the pews to the altar… the drip of water on still water, as parishioners dip their fingers in a bowl of holy water, before crossing themselves with a detachment, that seems as if they are communicating within, to Someone without. The coolness of the church, far from being eerie, seems like a haven of respite from the glare of the sun outside. The gruesome detail of martyrs depicted on the walls… no longer frightful, but a solemn encouragement to those who are persecuted today.

Music is fanciful. Let’s face it… it creates calm where there is not.. .and it can bring discord, where there is harmony. Music is so vital to my peace of mind.

some Verona, Italy pics...

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 9:48 PM

mardi, janvier 17, 2006

Thru the Dark of the Night

I never understood how far my love for reading would be taxed.

I’m never more grateful for this love and every night I thank God that unlike many people who ended up in law school, reading is something I can enjoy.


There are just so many things I want to read… I want!

Oscillating between reading for work and reading for pleasure… there really isn’t time to do anything else but read.

Yet, even doing the things that one loves can be simply impossible without the right kind of support. Thanks for lending me your strength. Supporting me through more than you’ll ever realise…

Lol. Maybe some other time… heh

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 4:41 PM

lundi, janvier 16, 2006

Fear v. Love

Someone i havent spokent to for the longest time, just out of the blue sent me this on msn:

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

I think God is talking to me. Heh... It's been a crazy scary week...
I will put aside fear and claim LOVE!


posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 11:04 AM

mardi, janvier 10, 2006


It’s pitiful – haha… Coltrane brings back such nostalgia …

Oh be still my heart…

Oh traitorous emotions… its already 2nd sem… get over it.

When you think you’re over it – something will come around and smack you in the face… see, see? You’re still thinking abt me...

Questions of sanity…

Can anyone truly miss dorm life? Damn… the convenience of living in a minute space… your whole life fitting in a single room…

I guess it’s the thought of something so completely yours in every aspect…

Oh well

C’est la vie.

I miss my christmas lights and bright red bedsheets. Heh... oh yes i do.

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 11:51 PM

mardi, janvier 03, 2006

Happy New Year

Claims for 2006:

I believe in the mysteries of God, of healing and of miracles and absurd revelations.

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” Isaiah 29:14

I believe in the hidden wisdom which God has ordained before the ages for our glory.

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared from those who love Him.” Isaiah 40:13

It’s amazing what a short span of a month, a year can do to a person. It’s pretty amazing really to look back and see all the things that have happened and still believe that they have.

With the miracles God has worked in my life, I’d be a fool to doubt the presence of God – yet going into 2006 is a pretty scary entrée. Seeing all the mysteries God has revealed just in 2005, I’d be a fool to not expect the unexpected… and knowing that God is with me and leading me… I’m still scared.

So many things have come and gone, and worldviews have changed so drastically that I’m still panting after the whirlwind of emotions that have passed me by and desperately calling after them “hey wait up, I still don’t know your names yet!”

Coming back home from the short weekend getaway to Malaysia, I realise yet again how empty the home is without Tiffany in it. Thought that I could talk it out… all that has happened… yet with the two of us competing for airtime, seemed impossible to catch up all that has not been said. It’s silly, since its not the first time she has left, nor the first time I’ve been without her, but I still catch myself wandering from room to room like a lost pup, wondering what’s missing? Then I’d realise that everything is still the same… just a bit neater perhaps – uh whatever, yeah a whole lot neater now. Heh.

So the inevitable happened – and it is now 2006… and Christmas carols are fast disappearing from shops. That makes me sad. Heh I like Christmas carols. Much of the jazzier ones remind me of snow and a real wintry city, where Christmas lights and décor grace every bit of the concrete jungle and warm Christmas lights, bring cheer to a night that comes on a little too fast. Not for me though… I like nights. Heh.

So – yeah, I miss being overseas and since I love winter… I miss that too… ski and snow and mistletoe … uh yeah… heh… it rhymes.

So to end Dec:

My darling new Canon Ixus =)

Birthday Lunch with Godma

The Sensibles! I love my Youths! Yay!

Wisdom Teeth OUT!

Church Camp 2005

Grandparent's 50th Anniversary

Puzzle Making

Mark's wedding

Just Fun

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year =) !

"The Orientation" the production

Tiff's Farewell Dinner

Malaysian Trip =)

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 3:35 PM

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