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vendredi, avril 28, 2006

Nite Before the Crim Law exam! Wooohoooo...

After studying so much criminal law – begin to think more and more that lawyers should totally be the most admired ppl around. I mean we find ways and means to set ppl free! LEGAL too! Like none of those break jail bars crap – like literally we spend ALL our time giving guilty people second chance. Showing that morally culpability does in fact play a part in society.

Of course, the more I read the more I also know for sure that CRIME DOES NOT PAY!

But for all those out there who lie, cheat and lust after your neighbour’s stuff, I mean – we’re good for you!

So – why are lawyer’s hated?

Is that manifestly unjust or what? Is it ‘cause we represent the guilty and the innocent alike? Are you out for retributive justice? Are you out for BLOOD!?! Why is it because you are so morally clean? Is it because you yourself never lust after your neighbour’s you-know-what… ???

I mean all we’re doing is giving y’all a fair chance. Or at least a lighter sentence. So you don’t need to “suffer death”. (as out beloved CJ Yong puts it)… so on the whole. I don’t really get it. We study as hard as doctors and we save lives! I mean and we should hang? Because we’re paid more? Hahahaha… okok…so are you lusting after your neighbour’s stuff again?

Crim law is messing my mind. muahahahahaha...

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 10:05 PM

samedi, avril 08, 2006

In the same theme of battle –

Been thinking that there is to be said a lot for the attainment of a goal.

Why do people go to war? For the nation? For the glory? For the attainment of a political goal that is set so high – as to esteem the dream of a utopian life?

Yes, a glorious government that will assuage the needs of all the plebeians.

The plebeians – that’s you and me.

And that’s what we go through life looking for.

Something to achieve, to desire, to long for, to look for, to cherish and to die for.

In us lay an invisible longing for a purpose… we’re all looking for the thing that will scream, “I’m doing something important with my life.”

Yes, many have written religion off as that desire. That desire to find something to be fanatical about… to feel a part of something… to feel healed by the acceptance of the group in the pursuit of some nonsensical/non-existent god.

Perhaps that may be so… the lie we tell ourselves as we dismiss the longing within to be part of a greater purpose and the “God-shaped vacuum” in our hearts. And we continue in our selfish pursuit of greater achievements and satisfy our desires with the temporal.

It’s scary thought – the frightening thought that at the end of our lives we’ll look back and see that we’ve left nothing on this earth as a legacy. And that leads us to pursue the goal of love. We seek the love that will prove to us that someone (at least one person) loves us, and understands us enough to be our second half.

And perhaps if we’re really lucky – the all-consuming love and desire will burn away all thoughts of purpose and in our children we’ll live out the attainment of the dream of “greater good”. What is this “greater good”? The best that he or she could ever be? What for?

And we circle back to the question of why we’re doing what we’re doing now.

Why we’re here. Why we’re going through life. Why are we suffering the pain and grievances in this existence we call Life. And what the end brings. What does the end bring? Eternal damnation? Eternal bliss? Eternal unconsciousness? The reincarnate life – where we start this cycle all over again? But the reincarnate life doesn’t answer the question – just merely evades it and say that we live again to repent for the wrongs we’ve done in the past life of which we know nothing of.

And thus I conclude that there MUST be some reason we’re here for. It’s probably not self-gratification. Maybe it’s the purpose of the salvation of all mankind of the evil grips of authoritarian/dictatorial governments. But that brings the question of who has set you that purpose.

You can’t escape it. Existentialism doesn’t answer it either – to live merely to exist and to be created by the events that shape us. Don’t we instinctively have desires and longings? Like, the instinct to love and to be loved?

And how many religions present a God that loves us and awaits our love in return? How many religions tell of a God that loved us so much, that He calls us His children and gives us the purpose of bringing the rest of the nations under His love? He created us to be loved by Him. Because He created us – He knows everything about us – He’s everywhere and knows everything and know all our little secrets – yet He loves us still. He loved us so much that He took upon our sins and died, so that we might live eternally.

That’s why there’s that longing for love. That’s why there’s that longing for a purpose. We’ve been created for a purpose (yes He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us.)

It’s amazing isn’t it? Sigh… (*bliss*). (=

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 3:43 PM

mercredi, avril 05, 2006

Yes. We can Conquer the World.

Think the reason we run form activity to activity without pause and plan our schedules with numerous events, is to assuage the grimness of Time.

When we’re running we’re going with its flow…

However, when we stop and actually breathe… we’re assaulted by its full weight… where Time drags the temporal perimeter around all the tangled messed-up pieces of our lives on top of our weary shoulders.

I guess you end up looking yourself full in the face and staring yourself in the eye… until the bone-wearied half-self of “who-you’ve-become” looks away in shame… battle-worn and scarred with emotional backlash, trudging on forward to the end of a battle yet unseen.

Not to overtly dramatise, but life is like an emotional battle. An emotional battle to stay sane; to fight with courage a battle where honour is scorned and chivalry is mocked, kindness is misconstrued and love – the war trophy we carry home when the battle is over.

Or is the battle ever over?

When we think our lives sated with the promise of sweet love – do we merely ride the wave of an emotional high – precious yet short-lived? And the next day… fall in line again in preparation to show the world the stuff we’re made of. Yes. We can conquer the world.

Guess when we’re feeling worthless and fighting a battle, the purpose for, we’ve long forgotten… bone-tired and weary… fearing for tomorrow, tired of the dirty clothes and the aching feet and the same bomb shelled scenery – we’ve got to put the whole battle into God’s hands.

If God has placed us in this crazy world of emotional ups and downs and surrounded us with so great a crowd of witnesses… might it just be… ever so slightly… that He might have some purpose for us in this battle?

Think if my commander-in-chief said… “March until you reach the moon”… I’d be a fool to say… “Well… my feet are aching and I really need a shower right now… can You send someone else instead? And pls hand me that martini and while You’re at it, pls send me all the way to Malibu, park a red convertible in my garage and give the keys to my butler. When You leave… just send in the gorgeous boys… thanks.”

People say, “Ah cherie, you are so excitable and agitated! Come ma cherie, there is no need to be so wrought up! There is no battle! There is no fight! Come now c’est la vie … just drink a lot, play a lot… life is like a box of chocolate yes? Tut, tut… all this worry is making you wrinkled… ah such a pity! Smile my dear. Live life such that you enjoy every moment of it – and never regret. We have to try it all! Taste it all, my pet! Ah Sweet Life… no you are mistaken… there is no battle. You are stressed over nothing. Come cherie let’s dance.”

People say that, “life is not worth living if the sole purpose of your existence is to continue your existence.” Isn’t that the same as living merely for pleasure? If the main existence of your life is for the accruement of more pleasure and seeking faster, better, bigger, snazzier, sexier, funkier pleasures… isn’t it all circular in the end?

If there were no steps in a perfect dance… would it be as sweet?

Would attaining eternal glory be as glorious if there were no steps to attaining it?

When we learn the steps of a slow dance, the mistakes are painful – but that night at the dance floor… everything is worth it. I guess it’s the same for eternal glory. The steps are painful but at the end, you might stumble and fall and sometimes you wonder why the hell are you even doing this. But in the end, when you receive the eternal crown – isn’t all worth it in the end?

posted by gossamerofcontradictions @ 7:41 PM

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